o negative blood type physical characteristics

My sense of smell has been referred to as "freakish", but my eyesight is not all that impressive. I am a fierce fighter when provoked and am fearless in the face of others who wish me harm. And btw I have read that Scadanavians have the highest number of A+ blood type than any other part or Europe so their goes the light hair theory. I am 39 years old. All in all, I think I cover the common characteristics of being RH- fairly well to say the least. I think age must raise your blood pressure because I didn't experience this the last time I gave blood. 15 Ways Your Blood Type Determines Your Personality Traits. I have dreamed about events that were to come, sometimes not completely understanding my dreams until the event began to unfold. It remains nothing more than a conspiracy theory. Image source https://pixabay.com/photos/girl-red-hair-blue-eyes-sunrise-1642695/. Unfortunately they already labeled the protein Antigen RH. (More here: Big Neanderthal Arms Caused by Making Clothes, Study Suggests), WHO WERE THE NEANDERTHALS AND WHY SHOULD WE CARE? I also have light brown amber eyes. It's great to have a theory, at least, that explains why I feel different. The people that have this type of blood all share in the following traits: In Japanese culture blood typing and personality typing go hand in hand. So what are some other interesting theoretical characteristics (I won't say facts, at least not yet) of being Rh-negative? She claims I probably screwed her up because I let this go on for a weekend. Cool list of vague things that should fit most people but probably don't. I've recently hit bottom after having numerous neck and back surgeries (none that required transfusions), but also dealt with a few too many personal issues back to back that placed enormous stress on my body. Are there rh-negative monkeys out there? She is AB-. I sleep on the problem and usually have the right answer of what to do in the morning. I was the strongest in the class all my life without practising. CC. Only 18 % of Americans have a negative blood type. Ive been told that I have healing hands and have a strong connection with cats, children, and the elderly. Many people would say yes to many of these characteristics! I only recently discovered that I am of the AB - blood type. on the roof of my house. I am an O neg female with 2 little boys who are both O neg as well. I'd fight with drs and not back down. That may result in hurtful encounters, broken relationships, and it might even cost some their jobs if they push this issue far enough. A person with "AB" blood group will have both "A" and "B" antigens on the red blood cells and none of the above mentioned antibodies in the plasma (neither anti-A nor anti-B antibody). js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1"; They are said to especially appear selfish to individuals with Type A blood. Here are more details: https://www.rhesusnegative.net/stayne. Im glad i found similar blood type as mine. I have learned to tune out people in general and am told I am very closed off. But again, there are things that you can do in terms of eating and exercising that can help minimize your risk and maximize your lifestyle choices for good health. ". O negative people are also said to have some sort of connection to Atlantis or Lemuria. Can you? Soon after birth, newborns develop anti-A and/or anti-B antibodies but not the anti-Rh antibody. Among the mental category, I do have a higher IQ, frequent dejavou, feelings of being an outsider (I used to think it was just a teenager thing, but it hasn't stopped as I've gotten older), I am currently in college majoring in astronomy and microbiology, heightened intuition, and I'm also easily frightened, to name a few. Have you noticed how a lot of men with cleft chin have an oval type of face? When that is not possible, you can receive Type O negative because all types will accept it, due to the fact it does not have any antigen markers that signal enemy.. His name was the Cosmic Muffin and he said that if you were going out that night "things were going to go drastically downhill after 10:10". I don't think I am a physical healer, but I am the person to whom everyone comes with problems. Mythic Spoiler Learn All You Need to Know about Magic the Gathering Cards, The most common travel mistakes and how to avoid them, Should Parents Pay for A Couples Wedding Invitations, Sensitive vision, sensitive smelling and hearing, They need to have all the facts and know the truth. One day it came to my mind and as I was on the computer decided to do some research. I survived my whole child hood by trusting my instincts and they have always kept me safe which is saying something. Therefore, occasionally it might be difficult to find O-negative blood for transfusing an O-negative person. I'm o positive and have most of these traits! If something does not make sense, then they arent going to pursue that option. There is a lot of information about common factors in people with Rh-negative blood. There are too many other factors that would go into an individual prediction for you alone. Big doe. I have a heightened sense of hearing and smell, but not vision. I have always wondered what the Hell is wrong with me and why I'm so different from everyone else. They push hard for the things they want, even if that means pushing other people down to achieve success. I have a feeling of being followed and watched. Not abducted as far as I know and scars . Hendrika from Pretoria, South Africa on June 26, 2013: My husband and I are both RH negative and we cannot be more different. Well, unless you consider having reptilian blood a bad thing. Started nursing school at the ridiculous young age of 15. Is astigmatism more common among rh(D) negative persons? Were the Neanderthals actually very sensitive individuals? This is the way I see it. As I have O Neg. Lets discuss. I think that our RH- blood come from the Briton Lord or someone in his bloodline. They were used to conduct the study and tests and when those were too hard to come by they used rabbits instead! Learn Ways to Increase It, Beet Juice for Lower Blood Pressure: Why and How to Use It. Only around 1% of the population has AB blood. I sometimes am cold and hot at same time, usually cold hands and feet but once I get them moving my hands can be like little heaters. You constantly go through every possible scenario. You can use first name only, if no one else has commented under that name before. Some people will purposely create feelings through their interactions with others to give themselves an extra boost. My head is not that big though. anyway, im familiar w/ blood types A+, O+ and O neg. Psychic ability: I don't exactly classify this a psychic (maybe more telepathic) but with both husbands I have been married to, I can "transmit" numbers from 1 - 20, sometimes higher, and they can see the number in their head. I was carded buying a bottle of wine just a week ago. They walk into any room and pick up all the vibes. I too, especially when younger, could wake up at the PRECISE moment I wanted to. Otherwise use first name and last initial. I have always said I am a strong judge of character, but now if someone gives me the hibbie jibbies I know why! I'm sure I will be able to find some new strange theory to tie these in together. If a baby needs surgery or to be transferred to a hospital with a better neonatal intensive care unit, O-negative blood can be a lifesaver. Have you ever wondered if your blood type has some sort of influence on your characteristics? (See also: DO RH NEGATIVE PEOPLE HAVE A CERTAIN LOOK?) Thus, people with RH Negative blood type characteristics are uncommon and rare. However, my mother had the RH negative factor (gave birth to 9 children) and my pregnant daughter discovered yesterday that she also has it. It is nice to know, isn't it? Hello Anne, thanks for reading and replying -- I think if you put together a list of your traits that are unusual (not light hair, blood pressure etc) and find a group of people who share those traits, you might find you have other things in common. Anyways these are just few experiences I have had.. Ciel Clark (author) from USA on September 18, 2013: David, if you have RH negative blood you should not inject your blood into a monkey. The thought of a different ancestor (that is to say, a non-ape one) is facsinatimg to me. I am o neg. Knowing you belong to A, B, AB, or O-negative blood group (or positive) is important because it is vital for saving life many times. Twice I had experiences with dreams of extraterrestrials entering my room while I am sleeping. And you do that with common daily events. Not particularly social - easily bored by small talk and quite content to be alone. Too many to mention and some quite lengthy but I'll tell you one. They are cold-blooded. Lets see: Went to check on my patient who was waiting for her son to pick her up for discharge. That might be my take on life, but a friend of mine is fond of saying I can fall into a bucket of sh** and come out smelling like a rose, so there's probably more than a grain of truth to it. 7. I am also an INTJ female so life has been challenging relating to people. I only found about less than two years ago at 37 that I was rh negative during pregnancy.never really thought much about it, life went on as normal. Shocking to find out about this and other lists of traits as I am B- and have so many. I feel different as if I am the only person left on the planet that actually gives a care and is willing to help others at any costs. Simply fascinating how I am described on such a list. Could this also be a trait we have inherited from the Neanderthals? They often seek friendships in interaction with others. * I don't have a lot of friends which is my own preference. I can see why! Required fields are marked *. Just try not to talk about those thoughts with your peers. var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; I think I have slightly above average looks, but you would think I was a supermodel the way I get stared at and followed. If you have Rh-negative blood, you probably have some of these traits on the list--maybe all of them! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2023 AWAKENING STATE. I do not have light eyes. Type O blood type is the first type of ancestral blood line. Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas and whatever you do or dont celebrate, Rh negatives! Narcissism is a trait that is always in danger of developing with this personality type if this issue is allowed to spin out of control. Being a total over the top truth seeker, randomly psychic and highly intuitive and empathetic. I admire those who can shield themselves well. Read at your own risk. One of the dangers that comes with this personality type is that emotional energy becomes the primary source of fuel that is used. I do have dreams that come true and freak my friends out. I turned over and Sure enough, I could see a black shadow of what looked like a man wearing a cowboy hat! Bacterial & viral Infections: It is considered that people with O negative blood type can be more susceptible to some bacterial and viral infections than other blood groups. Very interesting! Disclaimer: This blog, all of its content and all of my posts are for Entertainment Purposes Only. * I have very dark, almost black hair, light skin & green/blue/gray eyes. People with these personality traits are also hard workers. Or your feet? And you were right? Remember the brain used in 'the Monster'? But in no way is it literally connected to the Rhesus monkey. You are not crazy. These instances are pretty extreme but, seriously they did happen! For example much of what you describe is very prevalent in my family but we are rh positive. years ago. Type O individuals generally have more stamina and are less likely to develop cancer and certaintypes of bacteria. And now there are more studies suggesting that Neanderthals may have been responsible for some of the allergic tendencies within us: If you have an A blood type, then you have A antigens, but no B antigens. I did Ancestry DNA and it shocked me and I felt it was vague. Do I feel "otherworldly?" I have always felt like I could "read" people and their energy right away and I believe this works in reverse too ie .animals and the ability to make very bad people back away. Why do so many Rh negatives believe that we come from aliens? Read More. We tried the doors and they would not open, crawling into the rear seat, only the door on the right would open. "As far as I can tell, there are no drawbacks to being Rh-negative except for the fact that if you are a woman, you need to take some special precautions while pregnant. When I went into the living room I realized that 2 hours had gone by but, we all where in the kitchen for what only seemed to be 10 minutes. and I never get sick unless it is alergy related and I also have very sensitive skin. I carry around a 145-150 IQ. I am very sensitive to heat. I am not religious, more spiritual. When I plug stuff into electrical outlets, I can blow a fuse, black soot on the outlet plate & my hand. Which looks something like this in an x-ray: Some believe there is a certain diet for each blood type, and it is true that certain foods can affect your body in different ways depending on your blood type. The B Starseed blood type gives one a strong sense of justice, and they are highly intuitive. Unless it helps to push life forward, it is a pointless use of energy. I have bright blue eyes. My mind is reeling from everything I've read here today. My dokter told me once but i'm not sure anymore. There are many theories and myths about RH negative blood type. I have strawberry blonde hair and hazel eyes. A healthy diet is very important to people with this blood type not only in their personality but also for their good health. Hmmm. It also, upon consideration, does not sound so far fetched. Could not resist this one. I am told I am very empathetic and had always wanted to be a nurse but no cash for that form of college. So I have to stay away from them. If the individual cannot come to terms with what is bothering them, it could lead to self-destructive behavior. I am a nurse. They do not believe in the perceived reality. This is kinda weird I do not even know why I typed AB- personality type into google but here I am with all characteristics except a large head. I'm wondering if you and I are having the same problem with out blood. Complete strangers are drawn to me and tell me their life problems to give a solution. "Who's brain did you give me?" Lets not fool ourselves. I do have a question for you. Blood group is determined by the presence of antigen (s) on the membrane of red blood cells. I wonder if this is a common trait. These individuals are very active and energetic. I don't cause major malfunctions in machinery but, I do notice when I am upset that things kinda go on the fritz. Learn how your comment data is processed. But I felt them! The "antigens" are special molecules that can elicit an immune response. I never felt that I fit in anywhere, not even in my own family. Some articles indicate that O blood type was the original blood type for humans dating all the way back to the lineage of Adam and Eve THAT to me is AWESOME since I love God so much and believe in heaven so strongly! I wouldn't say I am highly intelligent my IQ score in high school was 125. Right now I am working on health (and also getting through the polar vortex). LOL. Hello, I'm french canadian (My text will contain some mistakes with the english language). If they need to put on an act to get something accomplished, they are very good at it. To this day my son and I still talk about it. in my dali-esque world, time melts like a cherry popsicle on a hot day. This site was dated from the 1970's. Other sites claim that the Rh negative blood factor is the original blood type , the oldest blood type, which I actually emailed a genetic scientist ,and he replied that type O positive was the oldest. RH negative not sure witch one; all I know is I had to have shots before and after all 3 of my children, carry a card, and was told I can only have my blood.For yrs I felt like I didnt belong here until recently when I saw something about RH- blood on YouTube. - looking young for my age (now that's a cool one) :). 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o negative blood type physical characteristics